Saturday, February 6, 2010

Moving to Wordpress

We have decided that Wordpress offers us a better blog experience so Bunch of Bandy's is now According to Us (

Friday, February 5, 2010

Kids, when you're playing outside, look out for helicopters.....

We live right behind a hospital. I was standing on a stool one day and A. said, "mommy if you fall, I'm going to run over to the hospital to get help." Who needs 911 when you have an emergency room at your door.

One of the exciting things about living where we do is that helicopters land in our back yard on a daily basis. I have to admit, I get just as much thrill and excitement out of it as the kids do, so I thought I would share some pictures.

The girls are standing where our property ends

I think this is just from our fascination with flight. I guess that downside would be the noise, and it's probably not a good thing to want to see a helicopter land, because it means that someone is in desperate need for medical help, but how many people get the chance to say that a helicopter lands in their backyard.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

in the beginning....

All things must have a beginning, and so it goes with this experiment. The hope is that this can be a place for our family to blog together about things we do, write, and think. If you know anything about me, you know how much I love to spend time with my family. I love the idea of posting pictures and other family events to share with all of our family and friends. and so we begin on a new adventure together....